Leveraging AI and Software Engineering for Autonomous Driving
Lecture & Organization
Dr. James Xi Zheng
Assistant Professor in Software Engineering at Macquarie University
Date & Time
1:30-3:00pm Wed, Jul 22, 2020
Beijing time
Zoom ID: 404 626 0856
Password: 000321
Dr. James Xi Zheng got his PhD in Software Engineering from UT Austin. He is the Chief Solution Architect for Menulog Australia, the director of Intelligent Systems Research Center(itseg.org), the deputy director of software engineering and global engagement, and an Assistant Professor in Software Engineering at Macquarie University. He pecialises in Service Computing, IoT Security and Reliability Analysis. He has published more than 80 high quality publications in world-renowned journals and conferences (PerCOM, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE IoT journal, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems). He has received the Best Paper Award in Australian Distributed Computing and Doctoral Conference in 2017 and the Deakin Research Outstanding Award in 2016. His paper is recognized as top 20 most read papers (2017-2018, 2018-2019) in Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. His another paper on IoT network security (2018) is recognized as highly cited paper. Guest Editor and PC members for top journals and conferences (IEEE Transactions on Industry Informatics, Future Generation Computer Systems, PerCOM).WiP Chair for PerCOM 2020 and Track Chair for CloudCOM 2019. Publication Chair for ACSW 2019 and reviewers for many Trans journals and CCF A/CORE A* conferences.
In this talk,I will first walk through some industrial requirements and research challenges in autonomous vehicles. I will then talk about research works which can potentially solve these issues,mainly covering training,testing and anomaly detection for autonomous systems and driver behaviour detection. The talk will be broad but covering some state of the art interesting research questions and directions in autonomous vehicles safety and security assurance, and human vehicle interaction which shall be suitable both for researchers for in-depth enquiry and collaboration, and students who want to know how researchers can solve real-world issues.